AI Translator Solutions - Wooask Technology

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Smart algorithm, make your communication much easier & closer.

The leading algorithm makes it possible to accurately recognize when a user speaks in a noisy environment without manual intervention, thus completely change the way people communicate in foreign language.

Neural network noise reduction technology

First layer noise reduction Second layer noise reduction Double layer noise reduction

Smart upgrade
Every time is “new machine”

The translate earbuds supports online upgrade, through OTA technology to complete a “revolution” in 3mins. Each time the firmware upgrade is one self-iteration of the earbud, to make a more stable, more powerful performance. There is no end to innovation, we will continue to provide the best technology and experience.

  • Simultaneous interpretation
  • 100+ language two way translate
  • Charging case
  • Doual ear TWS
  • Smart touch

Whether you want to use it in your daily life or speak in a multinational conference, multi interactive modes will satisfy your needs.


  • Q:蓝牙翻译器可以按照需求进行方案定制吗?支持哪些型号的手机?

    支持蓝牙4.0以上,操作系统Android4.4以上的安卓手机,iOS9.0以 上的iPhone5s及以上的苹果手机。

  • Q:合作方式是怎样的?

    A:按照您的需求,我们会提供相应的翻译机软件方案和主板,客户负责 开模和生产。也可以委托我们开模和生产。

  • Q:目前支持多少种语言?支持离线翻译吗?

    A:翻译机方案目前支持全球100+语言实时对话互译。我们所有的翻译产 品软件都支持离线翻译,目前离线翻译的语言有:中文,英文,日文, 法文,泰文,俄文,西班牙文。后续会开通等多语种的离线翻译。

  • Q:方案定制都可以定制哪些?

    A:软件、硬件都可以定制,我们有自己的工厂,可以根据客户需要进行 定制,外观样式,功能要求等一系列都可以提供。